Learn More About the Team
IUPUI 231 W231 Business Professional Writing

Carly Hersick
Major: Neuroscience
Year of Graduation: 2023
Hometown: Argos, IN
Contributed Sections:
Introduction of Recommendation
Methodology of Recommendation
Personal Analysis
Sources from Review of Literature
Personal Recommendation
Email: carhersi@iu.edu

Aiden Pryjor
Major: Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation: 2022
Hometown: Greenwood IN
Contributed Sections:
Executive Summary
Personal Analysis
Sources from Review of Literature
Appendix C: References
Personal Recommendation
Email: ajpryor@iu.edu

Tori Tretter
Major: Forensic Investigative Sciences
Year of Graduation: May 2022
Hometown: Huntingburg, IN
Contributed Sections
Introduction of Analysis
Conclusion of the Analysis
Personal Analysis
Sources from Review of Literature
Creation of Survey
Personal Recommendation
Email: ttretter@iu.edu
About the Class
IUPUI W231 Business Professional Writing
This class is offered by IUPUI’s School of Liberal Arts that focuses and is based on a student-community client partnership. Students in W231 reach out and connect to clients around the community in order to provide hundreds of hours of research for free to the clients.
This class includes independent writing projects throughout the semester as well as a team project that spans over 10 weeks. Independent writing projects include:
Connecting and interviewing local professionals
Practices with a variety of different types of professional writing genres (resumes, emails, memos, personal statements, etc)
The ten-week team project, which is the recommendation report on this website, condenses and summarizes over 500 hours of research on an in-house challenge provided by a client in the community. Some of the community organizations who have worked with the W231 class for the team project includes:
Indiana NBA Pacers
Eskenazi Hospital
Boys and Girls Club
Creekside Counseling
Lutheran Church
Ronald McDonald House
Bru Burger
Back on My Feet
Back on My Feet W231 team wrote this reference about the class. Learn more about their website here: https://devtaylo.wixsite.com/bomfrecommendation/about-w231.
Notable Statistics and Achievements of W231
W231: Professional Writing Skills includes:
44 sections (in which 25 are face-to-face and 19 are hybrid or online)
over 1,070 students enrolled
Each team is made up of 4-5 students that:
Partners with over 175 community clients every year
Creates and distributes a local study that contains at least 50 respondents
Invests about 200 volunteer hours for each client (100 hours on research and 100 hours on analysis and writing the report)
This means that for all 175 clients, over 35,000 volunteer hours are devoted and invested by the W231 students each year.
To learn more about the class W231: Professional Writing Skills visit: https://liberalarts.iupui.edu/english/pages/writing-program-folder/courses.php#rtab5