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Appendix C: References 

Resources Used to Provide Entail on Social Media and Marketing

Barnhart, B. (2020, August 21). How to build your social media marketing strategy for 2020. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from                            

ABSTRACT: Landing a potential client is always important but doing it through social media makes life so much easier.  By setting meaningful goals to figure out where the social media platform will take your business, researching the potential client, and analyzing how you will target them by creating engaging content, are the first and most important steps.  It is important to prioritize the potential client by assessing and optimizing their needs.  

Dervedia, T. (2013, November 11). In social media key to promoting expertise, new business.    

Retrieved from https://search DFC847D3PQ/1?accountin7398. ABI/INFORM Collection ProQuest One Academic.

Abstract: Social media positively impacts future applicants proving that communication is important. By using quantitative and qualitative methods, it was time to analyze the attitude coming from college students. There were two different ways to analyze the data which are quantitatively methods which are tests given independently and qualitatively method which are test using categories and themes. After using all data configured, interviews, and surveys, it was confirmed. College students correlate positively with social media usage and communication. Educators and leaders need to appreciate the student's knowledge in terms of social media with employment. Employers need to understand how students use social media with their personal lives and tools. Depending on the major, other college students view social media more positively than others. This would suggest that depending on the major, the use of social media needs to be interpreted in a different way. 

Eger, L., Mičík, M., & Řehoř, P. (2018). Employer branding on social media and recruitment websites: Symbolic traits of an ideal employer. E+M Ekonomie a Management, 21(1), 224-237. doi:

Abstract:  In the survey conducted, gender and employment status were found to be independent to the respondent’s decisions, but the traits of an ideal employer were more found to be more common. Employer branding is an important part of recruiting new employees. Organizational attractiveness affects how a company’s prospective job candidate target markets will be inclined to pursue them. It is brought to attention how most job seekers have vague knowledge about employers and often turn to the company’s website as well as social media to find more information.

Ewing, C. S. (2016). Perceptions of college students towards the use and usefulness of LinkedIn  

as a professional networking tool (Order No. 10100316). Available From ABI/INFORM   

Collection; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global; ProQuest One Academic. (1783989512). Retrieved from     bin/        accountid=7398

Abstract: Networking is a key part of social media such as LinkedIn. It is important to understand that certain majors may use it more than others. This is a key factor when using social media to inform college students. Knowing the type of college students being informed is essential to understand so that the type of social media used can be geared to express their interest. For example, white males have the highest usage of LinkedIn, if a company were to use social media when reaching out to a group of white males, it might peak the company’s interest to use LinkedIn.

Gort, A. A. (2012). Social recruitment: A guide to developing and implementing a cost effective 

recruitment strategy (Order No. 1531702). Available from ABI/INFORM Collection; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global; ProQuest One Academic. (1271755487). Retrieved from

Abstract: A company's social media outreach ability is important to recruiting quality employees.  As the use of social media increases, so does the amount of people using social media.  After interviewing a few companies this article showed that social media is beneficial when it comes to recruiting for businesses.  It also showed that it is cost effective and increases the amount of methods that can be used to recruit.  This article shows that recruiting over social media can be effective if you market correctly to your target audience.

Henley, N. (2014). Social media marketing: Leveraging social media marketing to 

drive results. Advisor Today, 109(4), 19. Retrieved from

Abstract: Social Media is a powerful tool to reach out to all types of audiences and people.  The three main platforms for the best business outreach are LinkedIn, Facebook, and Youtube.  Measuring metrics on these sites is very important.  It allows you to adjust your campaign to reach people.  Just like the business itself, social media acts as its own business because measuring metrics and adjusting your marketing strategy is important.

Kevill, A., Agot, A., & Cano, N. (2017, March 08). Recruitment marketing across social media: Best practices. Retrieved from

Abstract:  Recognizing each aspect of using social media for marketing and recruitment purposes is vital for any company to consider. To select the most effective channels for advertising, it is important to understand the role of different mediums to the younger demographic. Deciding where to focus first, which other forms should be used, as well as how to build relationships with the targeted audience are the main points to focus on initially. In that process it is beneficial to understand and avoid common mistakes that employers can make such as being too general with the content and using a one-size fits all approach.

Lewis, B. K. (2009). Social media and strategic communications: Attitudes and perceptions    

among college students (Order No. 3498684). Available From ABI/INFORM Collection;   

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global; ProQuest One Academic. (927910800). Retrieved from      bin/  ccountid=7398

Abstract: In the new era of technology, relationships are built through social media that could lead to the clients in the future. Businesses can prove to students that they are experts in the field by promoting education. The education shows students that they are concerned with selling products but concerned with the education in their future. 

Lorenzetti, J. P. (2011). Study shows ubiquity, effectiveness of social media in recruitment.       Distance Education Report, 15(18), 4–6.

ABSTRACT: Higher educational institutions, such as colleges and universities, are using social media platforms to recruit and research prospective students.  Schools use Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to learn about applicants before deciding, just like companies do before landing a client.

Madia, S. A. (2011). Best practices for using social media as a recruitment strategy. Strategic HR Review, 10(6), 19-24. doi:

Abstract:  A comprehensive review of literature of personal accounts from practitioners explains effective ways to maximize social media use for recruiting. Organizations using these social media outlets must also consider the goals of being cost-effective, targeted, and strategic, while also remaining competitive in their ideal prospective employees. The importance of starting small and targeting a specific response will optimize their recruitment strategies.

Marketing to gen z. (2019). Retrieved October 01, 2020, from https://data-mintel     

ABSTRACT:  In-depth consumer research examines how social, economic, cultural, and psychological influences affect attitudes and purchasing decisions. Quantitatively methods are tests given independently, while qualitatively methods are tests using categories and themes.  By using the methods above, one can successfully examine the results of the effect social media has on Gen Z.   By using the following five sources of research,

  • consumer media

  • social media

  • desk research

  • trade research

  • statistical forecasting

researchers can gain a wide knowledge of information about the people they are examining, such as how students use social media with their school tasks and personal lives. 

Metsker, M. K. (2011). Facebook: A facilitator of college student involvement?(Order No. 

1504509). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global; ProQuest One 

Academic. (902860102). Retrieved from


Abstract:  Students on a campus in California were shown to attend a college event more since they saw the update on Facebook.  This could be beneficial to a company trying to reach out to college students.  The activity level of the facebook post showed that it impacted the attendance of the students at the event.  Had the update not been posted then the event would have likely had less attendance.

O'Connor, J. (2019, 03). Recruiting strategies for social media. Talent Acquisition Excellence 

Essentials, Retrieved from

Online marketing tools that help businesses save time and money when marketing with social 

media: Common social media marketing challenges for businesses, and tools that can 

help make efforts more time and cost efficient.

(2015, Apr 21). PR Newswire Retrieved 



Abstract: When marketing with social media it is important to use time and money efficiently.  Options like paying for impressions to market on social media are not cost effective.  It is important that businesses research to find the right tools that match what they want to achieve after they have developed an understanding of their marketing goals.  Certain aspects need to be identified to efficiently use social media marketing:

  • Identifying target audience

  • Identify what types of conversational posts those audiences would listen to

  • Identify keywords that will get audiences attention when searching social media sites

Social media marketers rarely use organic and paid social media together, according to new    

research: Despite the effectiveness of paid social media, 52% of social media marketers take a mostly organic approach.

(2016, Sep 01). PR Newswire Retrieved from     bin/  accountid=7398

Abstract: This concept of paid vs organic social media has different effects on people. The organic media takes the approach of engaging with people and developing some sort of relationship. It is anyone’s decision who can do both but focusing on one type of social media gets people more information. Paid social media would be focusing on future customers which is irrelevant in this case.

Wazed, S., & Ng, E. S. (2015). College recruiting using social media: How to increase applicant reach and reduce recruiting costs. Strategic HR Review, 14(4), 135-141. doi:

Abstract:  A three-step strategy is introduced on using Facebook as a tool to recruit new applicants. This also achieves more opportunity for better branding and marketing for the company itself outside of the recruitment process. The first step emphasizes attracting as much attention as possible, the second is to engage with prospective job candidates, and the third is to initiate the hiring process by using call to action messages. Using social media marketing strategies was also correlated to reducing recruitment costs while keeping up with their competitors in the job market.

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